
...respect is just the minimum...


further distractions...

i believe tickets for this event are in the $30 range. if i can find something to wear, better believe i will be there. it's been ages since i got dressed up and partied and as i mentioned in the previous post i'm searching for distractions presently.


  • At Mon Apr 18, 07:53:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger chrome said…

    hmm Mr X and Vida Loca in a Theatre production? I can get with that.

    So is the cellular phone jacking for real?

  • At Mon Apr 18, 06:48:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger piscessoul said…

    No. Not a theatre production. A party that X hosts out here. Last year, the hosts were himself and Farnsworth Bentley (and Melyssa Ford too I believe). This year, the hosts are himself and Vida Guerra.


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