
...respect is just the minimum...


bring on the chrome!!

thanks for the kind replies to my previous post. i'm better. moving on with life. not that i had much choice; even if i wanted to pause....the rollercoaster of life kept moving with me hanging on tightly trying not to lose my lunch...

what have i been up to?
work...that's pretty much it...
there hasn't been much play time really in the last few months
i realized that i've lost touch with a lot of meaningful people in my life
it's time to reconnect...

and so, on monday...woo hoo!!!!!!!!!

i'm hearing rumors that certain artists may or may not show up...so i'm crossing my fingers tightly, and hoping that 'Lib, Oh No and Georgia are all there.


  • At Tue Oct 31, 01:17:00 p.m. EST, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    got there a bit late, but i hear georgia didn't make it. bummer. although i had to say i thoroughly enjoyed pbw's video set.


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