
...respect is just the minimum...


this ain't no lie!

I swear raccoons are evil. Especially the ones in my neighbourhood. I've had a strong suspicion for a while now. But tonite I found the evidence that I needed.

It's Caribana weekend, so I've been partying since Thursday (and still going to work for 9 am each morning). So today consisted of work, stopping by my aunt's bbq, hitting my homegirl's house smokin' and having a drink, repeating the same thing when other guest's arrived and then finally heading home to enjoy a quite evening sitting outside smokin' and enjoying the weather.

Note, I am in my backyard. No one else is home, all of my neighbours are asleep. As I am sitting there, I begin to sense that I am not alone. I peer out into the darkness of my back yard and discover 2 pairs of eyes staring directly at me. Raccoons!! I sit back semi relieved that it's not a skunk and they will go about their business and leave me alone. I am human right? Dominant? Bigger than them? I sit back and continue puffing. All of a sudden, I notice that 1 pair of eyes is moving. Diagonal to where I am sitting yet towards my house. I continue to look at the other still pair of eyes. This pair remains unmoving for a moment, staring right back at me, seemingly unblinking. All of a sudden I realize that this pair has also begun to move, again in a diagonal yet towards my house.

My backyard has sensor lights which turn on with the detection of movement. All of a sudden, the sensor closest to where I am sitting flashes on.

Let me tell you, I have never moved so fast in my life.

I was up. Inside. Screen & Glass doors closed. Bar Down. Locked. Before I had even seen the shadow below the light.

No way was I going to let 2 disgusting raccoons take me down.
I'm telling you, Racoons are evil.
They saw me come out, sat there in the middle watching me, planning their attack, and then swiftly attacking.

Believe me, raccoons are evil.


it's carnival!!

Now, please note the above title must be said in a certain way. It is not 'it's car-ni-val'. NO! If you are familiar with soca, think Destra Garcia. Phonetically, say 'is cah-na-val!' There, you got it. That's lesson one in Trini lingo...lesson two will follow shortly.

So yes, Caribana is here. For those that don't know, Caribana is Toronto's Caribbean Carnival. I say Caribbean because it has evolved to encompass all islands, all people, supposedly boasting unity. (I say supposedly, because as always there is the behind the scenes politics...between the city of Toronto and the organizers of Caribana; within the organization itself [an old link, but BELIEVE ME there hasn't been much change since 2002], between islands and of course, between promoters of the local parties.)

While Caribana does not even compare to the festivities of Trinidad Carnival, it is still an event that I desperately hope is able to survive. Not just because of the economic benefits of this festival to the city of Toronto, but because it promotes a sense of culture that I need to instill into my children (whenever they arrive). If you've never experienced Carnival whether in Toronto, Trinidad, New York, Miami or DC; believe me, you don't know what you're missing.

Anyways...despite my love for the festival, I've outgrown some of the events that I used to frequent in my younger days. I just can't tolerate the club hopping from Thursday to Monday night. The chilling out on Yonge Street till 6 in the morning, the feteing on the parade route all day Saturday and then rushing home to get dressed to hit a club right after. Not only can my body not tolerate it, but I look back and seriously wonder how in the hell I was affording that entire weekend when I was not working and still in school.

I still experience a sense of excitement and anticipation as Caribana draws closers. You see, it's not just about going to the events. It's also about the people who come here...the aunties and uncles and cousins and nieces and nephews. The fact that everyone is in a good mood despite whatever negativities may be occurring in their life. The reunion of friends and family that you haven't seen in ages and those that you KNOW you only see at this one time every year. They don't come for Christmas, they won't send a card for your Birthday, but come carnival time...they magically appear. Acting like they've been right around the corner the entire time.

I love it!! This is my culture, this is my life, my history. The bacchanal, the feteing, the wining, the politics, the false sense of unity, I embrace all of them as part of my history.

For anyone interested in learning more about Trinidadian political and social culture, I recommend picking up books by Earl Lovelace. While his writings are supposedly fictional, there is a historical basis to all the events that occur and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the characters were historically based as well.

All of the above being said, here's are some links for Caribana related events:

Let the festivities begin!!

rotating...IRS: Welcome to Planet IRS
anticipating...LONG WEEKEND!!!



courtesy of The Boondocks & UComics



Never, ever, ever take 4 children under the age of 5 to a theme park when they've had a full night sleep and you've only had 4 hours sleep.
Believe me, I found out the hard way.  I was sleeping on myself on the majority of the rides and they (and the thousands of other miserable children) were screaming in my ear, intensifying my headache (nahh, it ain't a hangover...i just needed a couple more hours sleep and i would've been good).



I updated.
Changed the color.
Layout. Blah. Blah. Blah.
I am not a techy, so this is all courtesy of blogger.com.
However, after updating I realized that blogger appears to have implemented their own comments system and absentminded me can't remember where I got my previous comments template from.  Therefore (the simple point of all this rambling), I lost all previous comments. =<
Oh well...I'm in pink mode right now anyways...so atleast I'm feeling the new color.

i think, therefore...

I say...You think..

  1. Crippling:: wheelchair
  2. Tough:: alligator
  3. Slinky:: snake
  4. Slogan:: I'm lovin' it
  5. Stuffed:: potatoes
  6. Instructions:: restrictions
  7. Expletive:: OH NO!
  8. Cartoon:: Gargamel
  9. Toddler:: Mess
  10. Insinuation:: Lies

courtesy of..Unconsious Mutterings


the real world

Have I mentioned how much I hate the real world? If I haven't, let me say it right now....I hate the real world. In this so called 'real world', I no longer have extended health coverage..I have ongoing debt..I wake up Monday to Friday wishing it was Saturday or Sunday..i'm forever irritable..i'm jealous of friends who haven't been 'lucky' enough to make it to the real world as yet..and i always feel like i've never had enough sleep...

Moms thought I was joking when I said it...but i was dead serious. I don't think I'm ready for the 'real world' and I don't know if i ever will be.

I think one of the thing that weighs the most on me right now is my lack of extended health coverage and the knowledge that in my field working basically as a self employed/independent consultant, I won't have health coverage until I purchase it myself. And because I'm just starting out and trying to work my way up...I can't afford to buy it for my self now. This realization hit me with a left hook a couple months back when I had to have a root canal...which hurt like hell...and then got the bill in the mail a couple weeks later...which hurt even more... Then I got hit with the right hook a couple weeks ago when I sprained my foot (the how, when and where is a whole 'nother story) and again got slapped with the bill for the meds my doctor prescribed.


If only I could fast forward a couple years and a few more zeros to my bank account. If only...

*phew...there, I'm done venting...

There's a few other things that I need to get off my chest (namely my co-worker's comments the other day about the area that I live in)...but i'll save that for another day when it's raining. But right now, my foot is still swollen and hurting, it's grey outside and as always, I need new music...

rotating...Amy Winehouse: Frank & Bebel Gilberto
props...Pick up the latest issue of Peace, I'm loving the article by Marsha Greene titled 'Pet Peeves of a Girl Head'


Monday Madness.

1. I usually clean my house on _________, or about every ____ days. ((umm, how about whenever I have the time or remember, no set schedule here))
2. My favorite Sunday night program to watch on television is __________.
3. Monday morning I usually waking up thinking, "What excuse have I not used yet to call in sick."
4. To wind down at the end of a busy day, I like to ((Turn off the lights, curl up under my covers and watch television or read a book))
5. I try not to call anyone on the phone until after ((If I'm up they need to be up too))
6. And I NEVER call anyone after ((1 am))
7. When I don't have to get up to go to work or school, I sleep in until ((10 am))
8. I have ____ telephones in my house. ((8 + 4 cellular phones, I think we have one in everyone room except the bathroom))
9. I usually answer the phone on the ____ ring. ((3rd))
10. When I know I should be sleeping, but am having a hard time falling asleep, I usually ((try to blank out any thoughts and envision darkness))

courtesty of mmadness.blogspot.com