
...respect is just the minimum...


so excited...

I'm so excited right now.
My fingers were turning blue from being crossed so tightly.
But I can finally uncross them and breathe.
I feel lighter (not too difficult for skinny me), but I truly have to say that since about 2:45 pm today I've felt like I'm walking on air. I felt almost giddy with my excitement. You see the job I interviewed for last week, called today to officially extend an offer of employment. YES!!! Finally a full time gig that includes benefits. I can go book my dentist appointment now, Ha!!

As always, there's a snag. Just a tiny snag, but a snag all the same.
My current contract requires 30 days notice if I'm quiting.
The snag: I'm scheduled to start on November 8th AND I leave on my cruise next week.

I'm still booking that dental appointment, I just know I'll work this little setback out.

rotating...Jack Herrera
anticipating...a new beginning..working (really, I am)


13 days and counting....(and other miscellaneous ish)

I leave on the 30th for Puerto Rico.
That leaves 13 days for me to pack and get my shyt together. 10 business days. Which is equivalent to next week because I know the next few days are just going to fly by.
I have a problem with packing. I usually end up taking WAY more clothes than I really need....just in case. BUT, because this is a cruise...that's not an option. I need to pack carefully. Moms laughed at me on Wednseday when she came into my room and saw that I already had my suitcases out and YES, there was stuff in it already too. That way I throw stuff in as I see it. I've got about 4 swimsuits and I need 2 or 3 more. I figure, I'll wear a swimsuit a day.

The job hunt is looking good. I had a second interview this week at one of the major insurance/assurance companies. My first interview was with a recruiter and this last interview was with the department director. It seemed to go well. She actually asked for my references at the end of the interview and the recruiter had told me that they would call within a week of the interview to ask for references if they were interested. So I'm taking the fact that she didn't waste any time in asking for the references to be a positive thing. My fingers, toes, eyes (and everything else that could possibly be crossed) are crossed. I'm trying to maintain my focus and think positive. So let's hope that also this positive thinking works!!

Because of the above noted interview...I missed out (AGAIN) on seeing Little Brother in concert. They were here in T.O. as part of the Connected/Foreign Exchange tour with Nikolay and Yazarah. My interview was at 8 am the next morning after the concert, so going out was not an option since I'm not a morning person. Considering I missed out on what I heard was a dope show...I had BETTER get that damn job.

On the 27th, I'll be missing out again. This time on seeing Mos Def, who's touring to promote the new album, perform at the Docks with a 'special surprise guest' (i'll let the cat out the bag...i heard through the grapevine that it 'might' be MOP). This time I'm missing out not because I have something else to do, but just because I simply can't afford a $40 show when I leave on a cruise 3 days later. Now, if someone (anyone) would like to sponsor me with a ticket...please, let me know!

So since this cruise has left me broke. I've reignited my love affair with Roger. Who I'm about to go hit up for tonite's fix right now.

In the meantime...
rotating...Declaime: Andsoitisaid
anticipating...Rest, Relaxation & Sun



Someone told me once that i should live without regret. I wish i could speak with that person again to ask a couple questions about that statement. I guess you could say, I regret not asking these questions at the time. Like, is it okay to think about the situation you could possibly be 'regretful' about? Or does thinking about it constitute regret? And shouldn't be regret be okay, I mean without it we wouldn't necessarily be able to use our experiences as methods of learning. Right?

I had a moment of 'regret' on Saturday night. One of those moments where, instantaneously, as it happened, regret set in. I reacted with a reflex, unfortunately. If this were one of my psychology classes it would be analyzed as a defense mechanism. Avoidance. And that 'moment' happens to be one of those, that won't ever be relived in that exact way. I've replayed the moment on an hourly basis since it first occured. Like I said, i won't ever have that exact moment again but i just may be placed in a similar situation sometime in the future. I need to etch it into my brain to react differently.

so michael (it's highly doubtful that you will read this and even if you do that you'll know i'm talking about you)...i'm sorry, let's try again. Take 2.

rotating...Foreign Exchange - Connected
anticipating...cruising!! on a Sunday afternoon...